Monday, September 22, 2008

PMD rule to check for unguarded log.debug() and install in Eclipse

Lately I've written a PMD rule to check that calls to log.debug() are guarded by some if (log.isDebugEnabled()) guard.

Adding it to the PMD commandline is relatively easy. Put the class in a jar and put it on the classpath:

snert:/devel/tools/pmd-4.2.3 hrupp$ java -cp \


  lib/asm-3.1.jar:lib/my.jar \

  net.sourceforge.pmd.PMD /source/to/check text \


my.jar contains the classes and ruleset.xml the description for this ruleset

Now with Eclipse, things are a bit more complicated. There is a GUI to basically write
the ruleset.xml in the preferences, but how to add the rule class? I am sure, this can be
done via a Feature Extension, but I didn't find a description quickly.

So here is what I did:

  1. Shut down eclipse

  2. Locate the PMD core plugin in eclipse/plugins (e.g. net.sourceforge.pmd.core_4.2.1.v200804111600)

  3. Copy the rules jar (my.jar from above) to lib/

  4. Edit plugin.xml and add an entry for the jar:
          <library name="lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar">
    <export name="*"/>
    <library name="lib/my.jar">
    <export name="*"/>


  5. Start eclipse with option -clean

  6. Now go to the Preferences to the PMD->Rules Configuration section, click 'Add rule...' and add an entry for our new rule:

  7. Start chasing bogus log.debug() usages :-)

This rule is not yet perfect, as it lacks proper type checking for the 'log' variable. It will probably also fail for Statements like "if (cond1 && log.isDebugEnabled())".

You can find the code here.

Please let me know when you have solved the type checking or how to better integrate it with Eclipse.


  1. Hi
    In eclipse, PMD Custom rule also should follow eclipse plugin convention it seems.
    Check following article.


  2. Hi Heiko, small world... I recently needed the same thing and came up with the following XPath rule. It works only for .debug but also checks whether the expression to log is just a string or composed of a string concatenation. Downside of that is that it does not detect if call a single but expensive operation to get the message to be logged. Anyways, I'd like to share it with you, perhaps it will be helpful for others as well.

    //PrimaryPrefix[ends-with(Name/@Image, '.debug') and count(../descendant::AdditiveExpression) > 0 and count(ancestor::IfStatement/descendant::PrimaryExpression[ends-with(descendant::PrimaryPrefix/Name/@Image, 'isDebugEnabled')]) = 0]

    public class Test {
    private static final Log __log = LogFactory.getLog(Test.class);
    public void test() {

    // okay:
    __log.debug("log something");

    // okay:
    __log.debug("log something with exception", e);

    // bad:
    __log.debug("log something" + " and " + "concat strings");

    // bad:
    __log.debug("log something" + " and " + "concat strings", e);

    // good:
    if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    __log.debug("bla" + "",e );

    Of course there is still a lot of potential for improvements :)


  3. Hi ,
    Can u share me the pmd rule u wrote,it will be a great help to me.

    thanks .
