Monday, December 12, 2011
Announcing the RHQ samples project
This is meant to collect samples and extensions around RHQ that could be used in RHQ and also JBoss ON. Users can go there and copy and paste the solutions to get a quicker start themselves.
While this project is started by the RHQ project team, everyone is encouraged to come and use the samples, fork the project and enhance it. To make this process easier, the project is hosted on GitHub at
The initial content centers around the new REST api of RHQ, and shows how to use this API from Ruby or Python and how to build reports from JasperReports.
Wanja Pernath has also submitted his group control scripts using the CLI in RHQ and JBoss ON.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Join me and RHQ in London next monday
As written before, I will talk at the London JBoss User Group next monday about RHQ and JBoss ON.
You may register on the meetup page, which also lists the venue and the directions to get there.
Monday, October 31, 2011
RHQ 4.2 released
The RHQ team is proud to have released version 4.2 of the systems management and monitoring framework.
This release focuses on:
- UI enhancements / bug fixing
- Completion of drift management (this allows you to e.g. detect changes to files on your managed platform and to alert on such drift)
- Improvements in server config sync (you can basically take (parts of) the configuration of one RHQ server and apply it to a different RHQ server).
In addition to that, the release is the very first to have a (limited) REST interface. Another change is the added support for PostgreSQL 9.1.
We want to thank
- Ted Won for contributing Korean installer messages
- Rafael Torres for improvements to the Twitter plugins (OAuth support)
- All community members that provided input and bug reports
As always check the release notes for a more complete list of changes. You can get the downloads from sourceforge. And please provide us feedback; for the REST interface we are also looking for usage examples.
Heiko Rupp will showcase RHQ 4.2 at the November meeting of the London JBUG.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Evolving interface in REST with JAX-RS (updated)
[update] In the earlier version I had if (, which is wrong. MediaType is no enum, so we need to compare via .equals()[/update]
So in RHQ we've introduced the REST api and one of the nice things is the ease of use like this:
public Customer getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int custId) ;
where the implementation code e.g. looks up a Customer object in the database and then returns it. Clean expressive API.
Now things start getting more interesting when you consider returning XML, JSON and HTML versions of the document. The first naive way goes like this:
public Customer getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int custId) ;
Which fails big time for HTML as (at least RESTEasy) does not know how to serialize the Customer object into HTML. So the next version of the API could look like this:
public Customer getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int custId) ;
public String getCustomerHtml(@PathParam("id") int custId) ;
Where both methods get the customer from the backend. The first one then returns the object directly (as above) whereas the second one renders the object with the help of Freemarker templates into a HTML string and returns this one. Just returning String in both cases is also not working as one may think. So this two methods that internally use almost the same code (actually the *Html one calls the other to retrieve the Customer object).
This works quite nicely, but now I want to start adding explicit return codes (and also caching information). JAX-RS offers the Response
class for this, where you can e.g. say Response.ok()
or Response.notFound()
. So the interface changes to
public Response getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int custId) ;
public Response getCustomerHtml(@PathParam("id") int custId);
Internally we have the same situation as before, but can now explicitly return the result codes we want. This is still not optimal. Luckily JAX-RS allows to inject the Request
and the HttpHeaders
into the called Java-method, so that we can now write
Response getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int custId,
@Context HttpHeaders headers);
and then in the implementation do the following:
MediaType mediaType = headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes().get(0);
ResponseBuilder builder = ...
if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.TEXT_HTML_TYPE)) {
String html = renderTemplate("customer", customer);
builder = Response.ok(html, mediaType);
else {
builder = Response.ok(customer);
So now we have one method doing all the work for us without code duplication and which can then use the same logic for caching and e.g. paging or linking.
Support for caching is now only one more step away:
Response getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int custId,
@Context Request request,
@Context HttpHeaders headers);
and in the implementation
// Check for conditional get
String tagString = Integer.toString(customer.hashCode());
EntityTag eTag = new EntityTag(tagString);
Date lastModifiedInDb = new Date(customer.getMtime();
Response.ResponseBuilder builder = request.
if (builder==null ) {
// we need to send the full resource
if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.TEXT_HTML_TYPE)) {
String html = renderTemplate("customer", customer);
builder = Response.ok(html, mediaType);
} else {
builder = Response.ok(customer);
builder.tag(eTag); // Set ETag on response
There is of course still a lot to do, but we have now achieved :
- uniform interface independent of the media type
- support for conditional sending and thus caching and re-validation by ETag and time stamp
The last step is to add some hints to the client how long it may cache data without the need to go out to the network to do any caching at all. Again JAX-RS has already support for that:
// Create a cache control
CacheControl cc = new CacheControl();
cc.setMaxAge(300); // Customer objects are valid for 5 mins
cc.setPrivate(false); // Proxies may cache this
This gives the client a hint, that they can consider the customer object valid for 300s = 5min. Proxies on the way are also allowed to cache the returned object. In practice one may make the maxAge depending on e.g. some average update frequencies and also set the "you need to always verify" flag via cc.setMustRevalidate(true)
I am sure, this is not yet the last version of the interface, but you can see how it can evolve over time and add new features like support for conditional get. And the best part is that so far the clients don't even have to change a single line of code.
In the future we may want to introduce our own media types like appliation/vnd.rhq-customer+json that newer clients then can make use of. The server can dispatch as seen above the media type and return the appropriate representation. The existing clients, that do not know the new media type can still be serviced by the server just sending this "old" version of it.
Monday, October 24, 2011
RHQ and JBoss ON at JBug London (updated)
I will talk on monday, Nov 28th at the London (UK) JBoss User Group about RHQ and JBoss ON. The talk will give an overview over RHQ and JBoss ON, showcase the new features in RHQ 4.2 and also talk a little bit about the new REST api.
The talk venue is the Skills matter eXchange, where the meetup page has the link to the location and also a link to the registration.
The guys from C2B2 also created a cool poster:
Friday, October 14, 2011
Small recap of JBoss One Day Talk in Munich (updated)
Yesterday I was at JBoss One Day Talk, organized by the local JBoss Users Group. The schedule consisted of 18 sessions in three parallel tracks.
One of the main topics was of course JBoss AS 7, where Heiko Braun was giving an overview, Thomas Diesler talking about OSGi on AS7 and myself talking about management of the server doing a lot of live demoing.
Other JBoss speakers included Kris Verlaenen on JBPM5 and Sashin Shinde on Open Shift. And there was Gavin King announced to talk about Ceylon. While I was looking forward to meet Gavin again, I was also afraid that I would need to talk only to myself with the Ceylon talk being in parallel. (Un :-)fortunately Gavin was not able to make it, so I had a great audience.
My buddy Pavlo Baron was talking about Big Data (slides are available on Slideshare). While this presentation was not as technical as I hoped, it nevertheless got me thinking about some stuff we could integrate in a future version of RHQ.
This conference was organized for the second time this year and I like the intimate atmosphere a lot. And of course the speakers dinner at Löwenbräukeller :-)
The organizers of One Day Talk have posted some interviews (in German) -- and especially one with Heiko Braun
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Some notes from the RHQ team meeting (and a team photo)
Last week, the whole RHQ development team met in the Red Hat office in Westford (near Boston). It was very nice for me to finally see some of the old colleagues again after two years and also to meet the new colleagues on the team.
And of course, we took a team photo
We had some very good discussions about possible future features (like e.g. supporting a REST style API into the system or on the future of alerts) - I will post more information soon. In the mornings we had show'n'tell style session where each developer was presenting some area of work to the team.
After work we did some more recreational things like:
- Seeing the Boston Red Sox win 18:9 in a 4h base ball game
- Playing minigolf at Kimball Farm (and ate huge amounts of ice cream)
- Had dinner at nice places
One of things we also did is to publish some sort or Roadmap for RHQ and discussed that we will move the source to GitHub at some time and also split up the build in an easier to build way. We will post about that when we are making more progress on this.
Ah and did I mention "Beer"?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
REST coming to RHQ (updated)
In the past few weeks I was also working on implementing a sample REST interface for RHQ (see also here and here). At our team meeting I've showcased the work I've done in the heiko-rest branch of our git repository and we have decided to merge that into the RHQ master branch sooner or later.
UPDATE: this has been merged today (2011/10/09); if you build from source, you need to build the container again.
To stimulate your appetite I will show some samples what you could do with the REST api:
Returning resources in html representation
$ curl localhost:7080/rest/1/user/favorites/resource -u rhqadmin:rhqadmin
,"resourceName":"Measurement Subsystem","typeId":10235
,"typeName":"RHQ Server Measurement Subsystem"}}
Add resource with id 10013 to favorites:
$ curl localhost:7080/rest/1/user/favorites/resource/10013 -X PUT -u rhqadmin:rhqadmin
$ curl localhost:7080/rest/1/user/favorites/resource -u rhqadmin:rhqadmin
,"typeName":"Network Adapter"}}
,"resourceName":"Measurement Subsystem","typeId":10235
,"typeName":"RHQ Server Measurement Subsystem"}}
And remove it again from favorites:
$ curl localhost:7080/rest/1/user/favorites/resource/10013 -X DELETE -u rhqadmin:rhqadmin
Of course those are only some examples and should illustrate that:
- the api will be usable from different clients
- from different programming languages
- it will allow write / update access
- it will allow users to write extensions to RHQ like e.g. Ăśber-consoles that we do not even think of
We were also thinking of the possibility for agents in other languages being able to push events and metrics over this interface.
The code is currently in the heiko-rest branch in RHQ-git (at fedorahosted), but we plan to merge it into master as soon as possible. If you want to try the code, check out the branch and either build RHQ from scratch. Or try running /etc/dev-utils/setup-rest/ to populate the server with the needed libraries (edit that file first), then build server/jar and gui/rest-war in dev-mode so that the artifacts are copied to the server. Then edit rhq.ear/META-INF/application.xml to include the rest war. Of course all this will not be needed after we have merged the code in the master, as the normal build will then have all the artifacts.
The code for the Android app is available from my repository on GitHub
An important part of this whole effort is your input:
- Provide us with your requirements e.g. on the Design - REST page of the RHQ-Wiki
- Contribute to the code
- Show us your examples you have built on top of the API (and perhaps even contribute them)
Please help us making this great so that you can create great stuff with the interface.
Monday, September 26, 2011
RHQ 4.1 released
Actually this is not new, but already three weeks old - I wanted to add it here, for completeness sake:
RHQ 4.1.0 has been released on Sept 2nd. Make sure you read the release notes and then proceed to the download.
Major changes include translations of the UI into Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese. Big thanks go to Fusayuki Minamoto, Jijun Liu, Zhongqianglee and Rafael Torres Coelho Soares. Also in this release we have started to detect changes in configurations and files ("Drift"), made enhancements in the area of Bundles (provisioning) and added a first shot at a plugin to manage JBoss AS 7. Last but not least, Elias Ross has enhanced the SNMPTrapd plugin.
As always: please try the release and give us feedback.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
RHQ 4.1.0 BETA released
The RHQ team has just released version 4.1.0.beta of the RHQ systems management and monitoring suite. This release serves as a preview of the upcoming version 4.1.0 and has a wealth of new features.
Some of the new features are work in progress and will only be finished after 4.1, which means that you can still influence the features with your ideas and feedback.
Release notes are on the RHQ wiki and also contain the link to the download at the bottom.
Monday, August 08, 2011
Some progress with REST for RHQ and new questions
As written some time ago on the rhq-devel mailing list, I've started implementing a RESTful interface for RHQ. A page on the RHQ wiki shows the requirement and some progress about the implemented API. Development currently happens in a personal feature branch in order to have some code to play around and gather some experience from.
One thing that I found out over the weekend is that at least with JAX-B setting up the interface and REST resource classes is far from trivial and I have been surprised a lot by interesting error messages.
Anyway, the current state of the API is already in a somewhat usable shape (mostly read-only at the moment). The implementation has been done via RESTeasy (RE). Security integration with the RHQ security model is also done and the session bean methods can just use a Subject called caller.
So, having solved some stuff rises even more questions:
- Would stuff get easier when not trying to support XML, but only Json?
- How to use much / more of the original RHQ domain model without running into LazyLoadExceptions all over the place (RE runs as a servlet to do the marshalling - at this point in time the connection to the entity manager is already closed).
- How to implement linking between related classes / concepts. E.g. a Resource can have Alerts. Now instead of embedding Alert elements when returning a Resource object, I would like to at most have a list of Links to
. I feel that the answer may have to do with the next question - In RHQ we often pass just primitive ids around (e.g.
int resourceId
) How can easily turn them into a link to the target Resource (given that Resource lives below/resource/{id}
) - In the Atom-PUB linking I would add links to sub-resources like e.g.
without the need to first obtain those values from the database. - Does it make sense to transfer date/times as long? Especially as Json seems to have some issues there. Complex date strings require a lot of processing on server and client.
- Is there a preferred way to expose id elements ((XML) attribute, element, not at all? With Atom-PUB links present, I think the id would not need any special treatment at all, as it is available in the URI of the resource and in the link.
A part of the solution to questions 3+4 seem to be to only use Objects in REST domain objects, as the marshalling will skip elements where the corresponding object is null, so for e.g. the parent Resource it is enough to initialize its resource with the Resource id to only include this, but not all the other fields that should then be obtained from their real URI.
But then I am not sure how much my ideas are RESTful at all :-)
I would love to get some feedback here.
Friday, July 29, 2011
How to survive conf calls with elevator music
I guess you all know the situation: you have dialed into a conference call but the leader is not yet present. So the conference call bridge plays elevator music or soft jazz or ... When you hear that the first time it is nice but for people that spend a good part of the day in virtual meetings this gets boring. You end up in a state like this:
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
RHQ tip of the day: plugin version
I recently had the issue while working on the AS7 plugin that no matter what version I was using in the maven pom, the server always printed a message like the following on deployment:
22:09:51,082 INFO [ProductPluginDeployer] Newer version of [jboss-as-7] plugin
found (version 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT) - older version (4.0.0-SNAPSHOT ....
And this happened with a pom version of 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT. The manifest file also showed 4.1* and the file name also had 4.1.0* in it and not 4.0.0.
It turned out that I had an explicit entry like this in the plugin descriptor, rhq-plugin.xml:
<plugin name="jboss-as-7"
version="4.0.0-SNAPSHOT" >
This explicit version overwrites all the other version qualifiers that maven creates; and a maven release cycle will not update it as well. After removing the version attribute from the plugin element, versioning was as expected.
So if you need a stable version, encode it in the plugin descriptor. Otherwise leave it to the build magic to provide the version.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Updated slides from my JFS talk about JBossAS7 available
I've put the updated slides of my presentation about "Neuerungen in JBossAS7" at this year's Java-Forum-Stuttgart online. You can download them as PDF.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Who's messing with my classes - IntelliJ! (UPDATED)
So I have the following code in one of my classes:
public void setName(@NotNull String name) { = name;
In some situations when I use them, I get errors like this (I do not want to discuss right now that the annotation is wrong when I am complaining about it throwing errors):
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument 0 for @NotNull
parameter of org/rhq/core/domain/resource/Resource.setName must not
be null
at org.rhq.core.domain.resource.Resource.setName(
The @NotNull
Annotation is coming from the Jetbrains org.jetbrains.annotations
Decompiling Resource.class
with jad Resource.class
shows this:
public void setName(String name)
if(name == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 0 for @NotNull parameter of org/rhq/core/domain/resource/Resource.setName must not be null");
} else
{ = name;
So someone is inserting this check for if(name==null)
on compile time. As we are building with maven and other team members do not see this, it looks like a local issue. But then, other team members have a very similar environment than I do.
I was suspecting IntelliJ already, as my colleague Ian was talking about the @NotNull compiler setting, but I turned that off and on and it had no effect.
After the comment by Scott Vachalek I went over this again -- especially as we are not using the IntelliJ compiler in our maven runs. I enabled the option, and compiled on command line. Nothing happened.
And then today I was running some unit tests from within IntelliJ and saw the "Looking for classes to compile ..." message in IntelliJ UI and then also messages about compiling. Then ran jad again and saw those checks again.
So it turns out that IntelliJ is compiling my classes with those @NotNull annotations again. And as this is in a maven build, it is putting the resulting classes in the places where a command line compile would also put them. My next command line build will then see that the class files are newer than the sources and not recompile them, but just include them in the resulting artifact.
Monday, June 06, 2011
Seemingly common RESTEasy error and a solution
So I was playing with RESTeasy a bit and using the standalone servlet method of exposing REST services was very easy and straightforward.
And then I thought, ok, let me now do the EJB integration on a JBoss AS 4.2.3 - and ran into the following error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Class is not a root resource. It, or one of its interfaces must be annotated with @Path: $Proxy862 implements: org.jboss.ejb3.JBossProxy
Which was strange as I did have the @Path
annotation present:
public interface ResourceHandlerLocal {
Googling around showed, others have/had the same issue; but as so often, no solution was given. After some digging around I found the issue: the error message is a bit misleading, and I was actually missing a @ApplicationPath("/rest")
annotation, which defines the "root context" and which is not needed in the simple standalone war case.
So I implemented a subclass of
which is marked with this ApplicationPath
annotation and registered it in web.xml
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
"" >
<display-name>RHQ Rest interface</display-name>
<description>List of jndi names of EJBs local interfaces that define REST stuff</description>
</init-param> <init-param>
And now the REST provider is starting nicely :)
Of course, if you are using JBoss AS 6 or the upcoming AS7, you do not need to go through all this, as they have RESTeasy already integrated and ready to go.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Two nice days at Android DevCamp Stuttgart 2
Monday, May 23, 2011
RHQ 4.0.1 released
The RHQ team has just released version 4.0.1 of its server management and monitoring software.
This release is a bugfix release over RHQ 4 which was released earlier this month. The biggest change is the addition of support for IE 7 and 8, as well as the fix for a memory leak that came from how JBossAS internally has set up the pools for MDBs and SLSBs.
You can browse the full release notes, which also contain a link to the download.
Jay Shaughnessy has written a blog post on what was necessary with SmartGWT to get it to work on IE7 and 8.
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
And I thought JBossAS had long stack traces ...
05-04 21:49:32.865: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(10036): FATAL EXCEPTION: main java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 12, size is 12 at java.util.ArrayList.throwIndexOutOfBoundsException( at java.util.ArrayList.get( at de.bsd.zwitscher.StatusAdapter.getView( at android.widget.AbsListView.obtainView( at android.widget.ListView.makeAndAddView( at android.widget.ListView.fillDown( at android.widget.ListView.fillSpecific( at android.widget.ListView.layoutChildren( at android.widget.AbsListView.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutHorizontal( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame( at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical( at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout( at android.view.View.layout( at android.view.ViewGroup.layout( at android.view.ViewRoot.performTraversals( at android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at$ at at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
RHQ 4 - alerting on call time data
One of the features of RHQ 4 (I think it was hidden in RHQ 3 already) is alerting on Call time data (aka Response time data). This code was contributed by Frank BrĂĽseke quite some time ago (thanks again, Frank).
By default that feature is hidden (inRHQ 3 only; RHQ 4 has it enabled by default), so you first have to enable it in the system settings:
RHQ 4 - alerting on call time data
One of the features of RHQ 4 (I think it was hidden in RHQ 3 already) is alerting on Call time data (aka Response time data). This code was contributed by Frank BrĂĽseke long quite some time ago.
By default that feature is hidden, so you first have to enable it in the system settings:
Monday, May 02, 2011
RHQ 4 released
The RHQ team is proud to have released version 4.0 of RHQ monitoring and management project after 10 month of hard work. Most prominent change is the huge rewrite of most parts of the GUI in GWT.
New features include:
- new SmartGWT-based GUI
- support for Postgres 9.0
- support for deleting Agent plugins
- support for executing an RHQ CLI script when an alert fires (for more info, see this blog)
- improved authorization for content repositories - public/private repos, repo owners, and MANAGE_REPOSITORIES priv
- Much improved MySQL agent-plugin (by Steve Milidge)
- New logfile alert-sender (by Steve Milidge)
Note that Internet Explorer is not fully supported (we expect to fully support it soon) - FireFox and Webkit-based browsers are fine.
You can browse the release notes to see a more detailed list of changes, new features and also known issued.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
RHQ 4 candidate release is out and waits for testing
RHQ team is planning to release RHQ 4 end of next week. And while we know that there are areas that need more love, we want to encourage every one to test the release candidate, RHQ 4 CRover the long week end and report back (critical) bugs, so that we have a chance to fix them for the final version.
Download is on SourceForge and the release notes can be found on
Speaking of giving some love: if you are willing to do some translations of the UI messages into your native language, please contact me.
Monday, March 21, 2011
RHQ tab sweep
We had a productive time since last tab sweep and released a third developer preview of RHQ, as well as RHQ 4.0.0 Beta 1. Please give the beta a try and report issues, as well as file feature requests.
The JBoss developers webinars series had a session about RHQ. The recording is available on Vimeo.
Ian Springer has answered the forums post about "JBoss AS 5.1 and RHQ"
As you probably know, RHQ team is hanging out on IRC in irc:// If your access to IRC is blocked for whatever reasons, you can still try to use the web front end to join us.
Blog postings
I've written: An explanation of metrics and their per minute counterparts
Mazz has written two blog posts: Alerting and Remote Script Execution and an update on Bundle provisioning with RHQ both with flash demos.
Speaking of Bundles, John Sanda has created a bundle receipt for deploying JBossAS.
Lukáš Krejčà has written about running CLI scripts as alert notifications. This feature made it into RHQ 4 beta 1.
Jay Shaughnessy has written a hint about regular expression evaluation in GWT.
Developer mailing list (subscribe here)
We had some discussions about a new Auditing subsystem (this would be a great topic to start RHQ hacking, as this can be (mostly) done in great isolation to the existing code base.
Another discussion went around the new Summary/Activity pages for groups and about displaying recent package history and bundle deployments on those.
Monday, March 14, 2011
RHQ 4 beta 1 available
Last week the first beta version of RHQ 4 has been made available. This beta is the first large milestone towards a RHQ 4 release later this year. The bigest part of the UI has been transitioned to GWT and is now in a state for serious testing.
One new cool feature made it in to the beta (since the last DP3 release): there is now an alert sender that can run CLI scripts when an alert has fired.
Check the release notes page which also contains the link to the downloads.
As always: please give us feedback!
Tell us your story about RHQ
We are interested on how you use RHQ. Please reply in the forums or the rhq-users mailing list
Friday, February 18, 2011
RHQ 4 DP3 is out, webinar recording available
The third preview of RHQ 4 has been released yesterday.
From the release announcement:
We have just released RHQ 4.0 Developer Preview 3. This release is
intended for developers and other interested parties who want a
first-hand look at upcoming changes in RHQ 4.0, in particular the new
GWT UI. Please note that this release is not intended for production use
or serious testing.
New Features:
* Improved dashboard
* Improved operations UI (for single resource)
* Improved bundles UI
* System settings have been ported to GWT
* Support for Postgres 9.0
* Support for deleting agent plugins
The release notes tell you more and also contain the download link.
Two weeks ago, I have given a webinar "Overview of RHQ and JBossON". The recording is now available from Vimeo:
Overview of RHQ and JBoss Operations Network from JBoss Developer on Vimeo.
Friday, February 04, 2011
Metrics in RHQ and their per minute counterparts
In RHQ we support some kinds of metrics:
- Dynamic: metric values are 'randomly' going up and down. An example could be the free main memory of a computer
- Trendsup: a metric whose values are monotonically increasing. This could e.g. be the number of transactions committed or request served
- Trendsdown: the counterpart of trendsup where values are monotonically decreasing.
Usually the absolute number of commits or requests does not really tell much. More interesting is the dirst deviation by time: how many requests are coming in per minute. Here you can directly see if you have a request storm coming in or if it is quiet.
Now lets have a look at an excerpt from a screen shot of the metrics table in RHQ:
The counter for "requests served" will be reset to zero when the web-app is started again e.g. by fully restarting the web-container (or app server) .
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Please take a few seconds for a poll about RHQ 4
Please take a few seconds for this poll to tell us what you think about RHQ 4 so far.
You need to be logged in with your JBoss community account. Then just select an option and click on submit. Done.
Of course you can leave comments on that page too. The poll ends in two weeks.
Monday, January 10, 2011
RHQ tab sweep (updated)
Issue 2/2011 of German JavaMagazin features a 5 page article about RHQ. Currently this is available in the printed version, and also on the JavaMagazin home page later on.
There is a new video on Vimeo about using the standalone plugin container for plugin development. The start scripts are now also available for download from SourceForge.
If you don't want to run the agent as root, but need to access resources like postgresql.conf, use ACLs.
If you want to monitor apache httpd, you can try an experimental plugin that uses mod_bmx to talk to apache (the GitHub downloads section contains a binary version of the plugin; you still need to install mod_bmx in httpd).
John Sanda has written a plugin, that can use Clojure files to do the actual plugin work. So if you find writing the plugin code in Java boring, just use Clojure :-) (See also this article from John).
And then of course RHQ 4 DP 2 is out (since start of December).
And last but not least:
The Cool Stuff section of the JBoss community website now has some RHQ wallpapers.